Curricula - Knowledge - Navigation

Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in the World


The course offers a well-researched and broad-ranging primer to the United Nations system. Consisting of an introduction to the complex UN family and its history, and a series of ‘snapshots’ of key UN functions, which are used to explore important UN themes and help learners develop important analysis, communication, and policy-based skills.

The course is aimed broadly at people interested in learning more about the United Nations system, assuming a level of interest but no necessary previous knowledge, whilst also offering offering sufficient up to date research and new critical perspectives that it will also be of interest to people with more expertise or academic familiarity with the topic as well.

The main aim of the course is to provide this wide-ranging introduction in a self-contained, but in-depth form, alongside the important practical skills necessary to understand and discuss UN affairs, and potentially lay the groundwork for greater engagement in future – either in civil society or in further study.


Learn about the following topics:
- Realism
- Constructivism
- Liberalism
- Power Politics
- The Role of Russia inn Politics
- Resolving Conflict Through Negotiation
- Resolving Conflict Through Mediation
- Peace Enforcement Mechanisms: UNSC Sanctions
- International Criminal Court


- Student has to be/have:
- registered at the Universiteit Leiden.
- access to internet.
- older than 18 years.

Malet Street WC1E 7HU London Spojene Kralovstvo

Ak sa chcete prihlásiť do kurzu, kliknite na tlačidlo.   Prihlásiť sa teraz

  • Kybernetická bezpečnosť
  • Diplomacy
  • Human rights (in conflict)
Jazyky English , Japanese
Hodnotenie Exam
Cieľové publikum
  • Všeobecná verejnosť
  • Prednáška
  • Skupinová práca a spoločné riešenie problémov
  • Prípadová štúdia
Počet účastníkov 12
  • Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education
  • MOOC Certificate
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Na odoslanie správy kliknite na toto tlačidlo.   Skontaktujte nás

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