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Risk in Modern Society

Termín podania prihlášky
18th June 2019
20th June 2019
23rd October 2019
83 days
V priestoroch vysokoškolskej inštitúcie

Risk has become one of the defining features of modern society. Almost daily, we are preoccupied with assessing, discussing, or preventing a wide variety of risks. It is a cornerstone notion for businesses and organizations, but also for nation states and their many levels of government. And even for individuals, risk and the avoidance or embracing thereof, is a key theme.

The course Risk in Modern Society sheds light on the broad concept of risk. In five distinctive weeks, this course closely examines various types of safety and security risks, and how these are perceived and dealt with in a wide array of professional and academic fields, ranging from criminology, counter-terrorism and cyber security, to philosophy, safety and medical science. Developed in collaboration with scholars from three universities (Leiden, Delft and Erasmus), this course will search for answers to questions such as: “what is risk?”, “how do we study and deal with risk?”, “does ‘perceived risk’ correspond to 'real' risk?”, and “how should we deal with societal perceptions of risk, safety and security?


Learn about the following topics:
- Realism
- Constructivism
- Liberalism
- Power Politics
- The Role of Russia inn Politics
- Resolving Conflict Through Negotiation
- Resolving Conflict Through Mediation
- Peace Enforcement Mechanisms: UNSC Sanctions
- International Criminal Court


- Student has to be/have:
- registered at the Universiteit Leiden.
- access to internet.
- older than 18 years.

Malet Street WC1E 7HU London Spojene Kralovstvo

Ak sa chcete prihlásiť do kurzu, kliknite na tlačidlo.   Prihlásiť sa teraz

  • Culture and identity
  • Kybernetická bezpečnosť
  • Personal safety and security (incl. stress management and such)
Jazyky English , French
Hodnotenie Term Paper
Cieľové publikum
  • Orgány činné v trestnom konaní
  • Všeobecná verejnosť
  • Skupinová práca a spoločné riešenie problémov
  • Metódy reflexie
Počet účastníkov 23
  • Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education
  • ISO 8518:2001
  • Safety & Security Certificate
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