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Fernando Gaona de Sande

  •   Xabia, Španielsko

Relocated in Spain after almost six years living in UK, I returned to my career with the Police force. I am actually doing many different roles and my goal is to use my experience, training and courses made in England and Spain to improve the quality of the police and security services and achieve the excellence in all my performances.
Always ready to take a new projects and feeling the excitement of undertaking different challenges in my life.


Relocated in Spain after almost six years living in UK, I returned to my career with the Police force. I am actually doing many different roles and my goal is to use my experience, training and courses made in England and Spain to improve the quality of the police and security services and achieve the excellence in all my performances.
Always ready to take a new projects and feeling the excitement of undertaking different challenges in my life.

I started my career as a Police Officer over the year 1998, the year 2011 was decisive to me and I decided to take two sabbaticals years with finally were almost six. During those years I was living in England doing various jobs, all related to security and safety.

I have experience as a Close Protection Officer/Operator, FPOS, RST,,Security Adviser, Loss Prevention, Police Tactical Instructor and Personal Security Coach.

I have worked for top security companies (UK) achieving a great recognition to my work and gaining a valuable experience.

Akademický titul

Baccalaureate (2002)
Police Science expert (2005)
Terrorism Awarenness course (2019)
Terrorism, radicalisation and organised crime: national security threats. (2019)
Expert in jihadi terrorism analysis (2019-2020)

Cieľové publikum
  • Orgány činné v trestnom konaní
  • Tvorcovia politiky
  • Všeobecná verejnosť
  • Mládež
  • Sociálni pracovníci
  • Pracovníci s mládežou
  • Učitelia
  • Personál duševného zdravia
  • Verejné orgány
  • Novinári
Výskumná prax
Project Development Coordinator PACTESUR/Xabia-Spain (Protect Allied Cities against TErrorism in Securing Urban aReas)
Odborná prax
Police Instructor (Police Academy (Valencia-Spain).
Speaker and coach lecturer (Violence against Women). Spain
Security Advisor (UK)
Close Protection Operator (UK)
Ponúkané odborné znalosti
Personal and physical security
security assessments
Situational awareness
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Zrieknutie sa zodpovednosti
Projekt TAKEDOWN a členovia jeho konzorcia nezodpovedajú vám ani žiadnemu inému používateľovi za žiadne priame, nepriame alebo náhodné škody spôsobené použitím tejto platformy alebo za akékoľvek straty údajov, príležitostí, reputácie alebo ziskov vyplývajúcich z používania tejto služby. Registrované organizácie sú zodpovedné za pravdivosť informácií poskytnutých v rámci platformy.