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Ms Miryana Ilcheva

  •   Sofia, Bułgaria
O mnie

I am a fundamental rights and criminal justice researcher, working as a Senior Analyst at the Center for the Study of Democracy in Sofia, Bulgaria.


I have a MA in Law from the Sofia University and an LLM from the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.

Stopień naukowy

I have two Master Degrees in Law.

Odbiorcy docelowi
  • Organy ścigania
  • Decydenci
  • Ogół społeczeństwa
  • Pracownicy socjalni
  • Organy publiczne
Please see some of my publications here -
Doświadczenie badawcze
I have extensive research experience in criminal justice - rights of suspects and accused, rights of victims of crime, some forms of organised criminality - and fundamental rights - rights of vulnerable groups, child protection, anti-discrimination.
Doświadczenie praktyczne
I have actively participated in capacity building at national and supranational level of representatives of the judiciary and law enforcement.
Oferowana wiedza fachowa
I have extensive knowledge on the legal and practical framework in the above fields and can offer advice on better law and policy making.
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