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Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence (CPRLV)

  • Private
  • Non-profit
  • International

The Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence (CPRLV), created in March 2015 by the City of Montréal with the support of the Quebec Government, and the active involvement of community and institutional partners, is a pioneer in Canada and North America. It is the first independent non-profit organization aimed at preventing violent radicalization and providing support to individuals affected by the phenomenon, be they individuals who are radicalized or undergoing radicalization, family or friends of such individuals, teachers, professionals or field workers. The CPRLV is a provincially mandated organization whose work also includes the prevention of hate crimes and incidents as well as the provision of support and counselling for victims of such acts.

The CPRLV offers practical training in the fields of psychosocial intervention, education, criminal justice and public safety. It also provides training to community organizations and public and private institutions.

Dane kontaktowe
  • Organizacja pozarządowa/non-profit
  • Walka z mową nienawiści
  • Zapobieganie radykalizacji
  • Walka z brutalnym ekstremizmem
Odbiorcy docelowi
  • Organy ścigania
  • Decydenci
  • Młodzież
  • Pracownicy socjalni
  • Osoby pracujące z młodzieżą
  • Nauczyciele
  • Pracownicy ochrony zdrowia (psychicznego)
  • Organy publiczne
  • Dziennikarze
Rok powstania 2015
Higher or Secondary Education Establishment No
Główne języki szkolenia
  • English
  • French
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