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Women without Borders | WwB

  • Private
  • Non-profit
  • International

Women without Borders (WwB), an international nonprofit organisation headquartered in Vienna, was founded in 2001. WwB focuses on Female Leadership, Capacity Building, Gender-Based Violence, Intercultural Dialogue, and Preventing Violent Extremism. We commit and apply ourselves to 1) Working from the bottom up and empowering the female leaders of tomorrow at the individual, community, and global levels 2) Supporting and inspiring women in the process of moving from victimhood towards agency 3) Advocating for a future without fear, suppression, and violence against women 4) Introducing and normalising the idea of mothers as the first line of defence against extremism in their homes and communities 5) Bringing the voices of impactful local leaders to the attention of the world

Kontaktné údaje
  • MVO/nezisková organizácia
  • Predchádzanie násilnému extrémizmu
Cieľové publikum
  • Ďalšie
  • Sociálni pracovníci
  • Pracovníci s mládežou
  • Učitelia
Rok založenia 2001
Higher or Secondary Education Establishment No
Hlavné jazyky školení
  • English
  • German
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