Curricula - Knowledge - Navigation

Dialogue Under Pressure' training

  • Countries: The Netherlands
  • Year: 2017-2020
Environment tackled

This methodology is useful to create a safe space where young people can share their opinions ,discuss controversial issues and start thinking about other viewpoints and perspectives.

Referring PASTEL cluster



Methodology focused on inviting young people to share their opinions, while also being able to provide limits, when offensive or discriminatory comments are made, and at the same time, inviting these young people to discuss the issues at stake, allows them to be heard, and start thinking about other viewpoints and perspectives.


Understanding perspectives , Prevention

Target Groups


End Users


Key findings

This type of training can consider different themes: polarisation, inclusion and diversity, radicalisation, gender and sexual diversity, subversion and juvenile delinquency. Specific types of collaboration between schools and the governmental training institute on countering radicalisation (e.g. Rijksopleidings-instituut tegengaan Radicalisering, ROR) can offer specific expertise to front-line practitioners to understand, recognise and deal with at-risk individuals towards (violent) extremism. This mmodel also offers skills to teachers to also involve those students who are not used or reluctant to share their views ('the silent middle'). It facilitates dialogue within schools regarding controversial and challenging topics. However, It delegates to teachers the task of dealing with difficult topics when they may not be prepared.

referring project