Florian Huber TAKEDOWN Coordinator

Bernhard Jäger. TAKEDOWN Coordinator

Takedown project: Methodology

Takedown project: Objectives and consortium

Takedown project: Modelling Violent Radicalisation and Terrorism


Final Conference: Preventing violent extremism - MINDb4ACT’s insights and outcomes

Expert Learning Capsule: The use of evaluation in P/CVE policies

#1 Travailler avec l'extrémisme violent religieux: la prison dans le monde francophone européen

#3 Prevención de la radicalización: conciencia e intervención temprana a nivel local

#4 Awareness and intervention at local level

#5 Radikalisierung in Schulen und im Internet

#6 Budowanie świadomości i podejmowanie wczesnej interwencji w zakresie obszarach miejskich

RADPol2020: Improving Policy & Practice tackling Radicalisation & VE in Central and Eastern Europe

RADPol2020: Sharing insights on Central and Eastern Europe approaches in radicalisation

RADPol2020: What research projects offer to practitioners in the field of preventing radicalisation

Virtual Roundtable "The potential of technology in the fight against radicalism"

Expert Learning Capsule: The difference between a Terrorist and a Freedom Fighter

Expert Learning Capsule: Factors related to Disengaging from Violent Extremism

Expert Learning Capsule: Prison Radicalisation

Educational tool for teachers on prevention of radicalisation in the classroom


Right-wing populism and how it is challenging democracy (Project CHAMPIONs)

Polarisation and the Culture of Remembrance in Political Youth Work (Project CHAMPIONs)

Quality standards and quality assurance as challenges for youth work (Project CHAMPIONs)

Empowerment and emancipation in working with young people (Project CHAMPIONs)

Success factors of modern youth work (Project CHAMPIONs)

Divergent perspectives on extremism and youth work within and between countries (Project CHAMPIONs)


How to improve social inclusion, resilience and prevention of radicalization?

Investigating radicalization with a bottom-up approach: the PARTICIPATION method

Focusing on Jihadism in Europe: what has changed since the 2000s?

Violent extremism and violent behaviours: insights from the CounteR project

Understanding different extremism and radicalization pathways trends

Co-creating radicalisation preventive strategies together with civil society

Far right far left separatism and religious extremism drivers

Social polarization, extremism, and radicalism: PARTICIPATION quantitative survey

Contemporary extreme violence: radicalisation and violent extremism imaginaries

Radicalization and the Metaverse: Conspiracy Theories and COVID19

Radicalisation Pathways: root causes, trigger events and moderator factors

Challenging online and offline extremism: a young educator's experience