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Insikt Intelligence

  • Private
  • Profit
  • International

We are INSIKT Intelligence and our passion is building easy to use yet scientifically complex investigative tools to help Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) gain vital intelligence on online crime. We are experts in social media mining and advanced text analytics on all digital sources, with over a decade of experience in research and development.

We have developed a number of solutions/services that will help the LEAs combat online crime, including our latest project:

1. NVISO Intelligence Platform

INVISO is a threat intelligence platform that detects online radicalisation and propaganda on social media by analysing data gathered from social media monitoring, expected to be launched in September, 2019.

INVISO identifies radical content, suspicious messages and covert radicalisation processes with the help of sophisticated text mining algorithms. The platform also relies on deep learning to develop automatically new models which can be used to detect other criminal activity.

2. Training Courses for Law Enforcement (via Insikt Academy)

Recently INSIKT Intelligence launched its INSIKT Academy. INSIKT Academy offers Expert Training Courses to help Law Enforcement Agencies get an edge on their investigations.
These expert training courses provide organizations with effective knowledge and tools to understand and control information derived from digital sources.

They focus on the different components and the best practices to get the most out of them. These courses also equip participants with the right sets of tools to create their own rules and decoders in order to broaden detection capabilities.

At the moment, INSIKT Academy offers two courses:

 Data Science Foundations for Counter-Terrorism and Criminal Investigation
 Radicalization Awareness, Understanding, Prevention and Signalling on Social Media Channels

Other services include Data Collection Services and Custom Analysis Solutions. Please visit our website to learn more about these services.

1 course(s) provided by Insikt Intelligence

Data Science Foundations for Counter-Terrorism and Criminal Investigation

  • Začátek:  22nd September 2019
  • Konec:  24th September 2019
Kontaktní údaje
  • Vládní
  • Policie
  • Jiný
  • Anti-terrorism
  • Jiný
  • Boj proti terorismu
  • Prevence radikalizace
Cíloví příjemci
  • Orgány činné v trestním řízení
Rok založení 2016
Higher or Secondary Education Establishment No
Hlavní školicí jazyky
  • English
  • Spanish
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Zřeknutí se odpovědnosti
TAKEDOWN a členové konsorcia nenesou ve vztahu k vám ani ostatním uživatelům odpovědnost za jakékoli přímé, nepřímé nebo vedlejší škody způsobené používáním této platformy nebo za ztrátu dat, příležitostí, dobrého jména nebo zisků plynoucích z používání této služby. Za pravdivost informací poskytovaných na platformě nesou odpovědnost zaregistrované organizace.