Mr. Javier Ruiperez
Javier Ruipérez Canales is Projects and Research Manager at the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies where he has been working in different positions for the last 10 years.With an extensive experience in projects both in reseacrh as well as social intervention, his work has focused in the fields of security, education and social action, as well as hate speech and hate crimes or gender issues among others. He is member of the European International Studies Association and the Official College of Naval Engineers and former Delegate in Andalusia of the organization Economists Without Borders.
Pubblico di riferimento |
H2020 Project. "TAKEDOWN: Understand the dimensions of organised crime and terrorist networks for developing effective and efficient security solutions for first-line-practitioners and professionals" - (http://takedownproject.eu) Research and Innovation project reference nº: H2020 FCT-16-2015 700688. Duración: 36 meses (2016-2019)
Proyecto Plan Nacional de I+D+i: "Combatientes extranjeros y Seguridad Europea: Parámetros Psicosociales de la Radicalización". Nº Proyecto: DER2015-63857-R Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (MINECO/FEDER).
Proyecto Europeo EC EACEA Europe for Citizens:
H2020 Project. "MIICT: Information and Communication Technologies - Enabled Public Services for Migration " funded by the European Union under TOPIC H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2018.
Internal Security Fund project. "ARMoUR: A Radical Model of Relience for Youth Minds" project number: 823683 of the Directorate General for Migrations and Home Affairs Duración: 24 meses (previsto Enero 2019- Enero 2021)
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