Curricula - Knowledge - Navigation

Този раздел представя оценка на практиките в областта на насилствения екстремизъм, тероризма и организираната престъпност, проведена от партньорите на проекта на ЕС TAKEDOWN. Библиотеката се фокусира върху дейности, стратегии и услуги, прилагани или от публични органи или от неправителствени заинтересовани страни. Целта му е преди всичко да информира практикуващите от първа линия и да предостави преглед на широкия спектър от практики в Европа. Подходите включват политики, инфраструктурни подобрения, стратегии за превенция или събиране на разузнавателна информация, обхващаща местно, регионално, национално и европейско ниво. Окончателната преценка на конкретна практика, разбира се, остава на читателите и потребителите на библиотеката. Освен това ние сме отворени за коментари и предложения, както и за допълнителни оценки на практики, които можем да включим в нашата база данни.

Values and Orientation Courses

Since May 2016 the Austrian Integration Fund organises special courses for refugees providing newcomers with knowledge about Fundamental Human Rights, Values perpetuated in our society as well as with information about successful integration and coexistence strategies in Austria. In order to enable participants to fully understand the content...

  • Държава: Австрия
  • мащаб : Local , Regional , National
  • площ : Радикализация
  • Видове: Risk prevention , Primary prevention , Early intervention , Education , Awareness Raising
  • Целева аудитория : Communication and Media , Education , Public Authorities , Local Communities
Viennese Network De-radicalisation and Prevention

The Viennese Network Deradicalisation and Prevention (VNDP) deals intensively with the topics extremism, radicalization and disengagement from terrorist or extremist activity. The aim is to combat antidemocratic attitudes and ideologies that form within groups of (mainly) young people. Furthermore, and on the other hand, the network aims to...

  • Държава: Австрия
  • мащаб : Local , Regional , National
  • площ : Радикализация , Насилствен екстремизъм
  • Видове: Reintegration , Risk prevention , Primary prevention , Secondary prevention , Tertiary prevention , Deradicalisation , Early intervention , Participation and cooperation , Communication
  • Целева аудитория : Communication and Media , Education , Youth and Families , Public Authorities , Local Communities
Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE)

WAVE: WOMEN AGAINST VIOLENCE EUROPE represents an informal feminist European network established in 1994 promoting human rights of women and children. As a legal entity since 2014 (WAVE Association) and as a formal network NGO composed of European women's NGOs WAVE is working in the field of preventing and combating violence against women...

  • Държава: Австрия
  • мащаб : National , European , International
  • площ : Радикализация , Насилствен екстремизъм
  • Видове: Risk prevention , Primary prevention , Secondary prevention , Participation and cooperation , Capacity Building
  • Целева аудитория : Youth and Families , Local Communities
YCARE: Youth Counselling Against Radicalization.

YCARe is a unique international project aimed at supporting youth counsellors in preventing and combatting radicalization. Eight countries participate in the project, Austria, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and The Netherlands. They collect guidelines and best practices. YCARe’s added value stems from the...

  • Държава: Гърция
  • мащаб : Local
  • площ : Радикализация
  • Видове: Surveillance , Primary prevention , Secondary prevention , Tertiary prevention , Deradicalisation , Early intervention
  • Целева аудитория : Communication and Media , Education , Youth and Families , Health and Social Care
Z CCB – Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium

The Centre for Cybersecurity in Belgium (CCB) was established in August 2016 following the Government’s plan to be able to react upon Cybersecurity incidents with impact in Belgium. The centre was setup following a series of Cybersecurity strategy documents created during the last decade, by government, law enforcement and administration...

  • Държава: Белгия
  • мащаб : National
  • площ : Киберпрестъпност
  • Видове: Risk prevention , Early intervention , Incident management , Participation and cooperation , Coordination , Public Contact Point
  • Целева аудитория : Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
Z Community Policing in the UK

Community Policing is at the very heart of daily duties to protect and serve the 300,000 people who live in, work within and visit the City of London. Police officers and PCSOs work with City communities across three specific teams – Residential, Business and Street Intervention. This structured approach helps focus our work within both the...

  • Държава: Великобритания
  • мащаб : Local , Regional
  • площ : Насилствен екстремизъм , Организирана престъпност
  • Видове: Surveillance , Conflict transformation , Primary prevention , Crime prevention , Early intervention
  • Целева аудитория : Police and LEAs
Z Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing Platforms - MISP

Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing Platforms are operational mechanisms to support the exchange of intelligence on cyber security threats and incidents amongst different entities. They can be used by first line responders working on cyber security incidents. Cyber threat intelligence can be shared by commercial providers, based upon a certain...

  • Държава: Белгия
  • мащаб : European , International
  • площ : Киберпрестъпност
  • Видове: Crime prevention , Risk analysis , Incident management , Coordination , Knowledge Exchange
  • Целева аудитория : Public Authorities