Curricula - Knowledge - Navigation

Fundamentals of Preventing Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Lead to Terrorism

En ligne
Coûts/Frais d’inscription

About This Course
This e-learning course aims to raise awareness, and to encourage and coach local civil society leaders to voluntarily, safely and efficiently speak up and take action against VERLT in a way that respects and promotes human rights and enhances the impact and sustainability of the community-level work.

The course is divided into four content sections. The final quiz in section 5 will be unlocked as soon as you have completed all content sections.


Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, you will:
Understand the complex nature of VERLT;
Have acquired the knowledge about the roles of stakeholders representing multiple sectors relevant to preventing and countering VERLT and different response frameworks;
Better identify security needs and threats related to diverse manifestations of VERLT;
Understand the importance of the protection and promotion of human rights in responses to violent extremism and terrorism;
Understand how the Internet can be exploited by violent extremist and terrorist groups;
Have learned about media and information literacy in the context of preventing VERLT.
If you are not yet a registered user of the OSCE e-Learning platform, please register first and then log in to access the course. The estimated duration of the course is 1 to 1.5 hours and it can be completed in multiple parts.


Target Audience
LIVE intends to benefit people with leadership potential who are well connected in their communities, actively contribute to positive change, and who are motivated to make an impact in preventing violent extremism. It is designed for persons whose potential can be leveraged, rather than for persons who are already experts in the area of preventing violent extremism.

The course is intended to strengthen participants’ skills and knowledge so they can further contribute to building the resilience of local communities to VERLT, in line with the Do No Harm Principle.

Amsterdam 1008 DG Amsterdam Pays-Bas

Pour vous inscrire à ce cours, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton.   S’inscrire maintenant

  • Cybersécurité
  • Prévention de la criminalité organisée
  • Lutte contre l’extrémisme violent
Langues English
Évaluation n/a
Public cible
  • Services de répression
  • Décideurs politiques
  • Journalistes
  • Étude de cas
  • Jeu de rôles
  • Simulation
  • Méthodes reposant sur les pratiques artistiques
N° de participants 1500
  • Indisponible
  • Not available

Si vous avez des questions sur ce cours, contactez-nous.

Pour envoyer un message, veuillez cliquer sur ce bouton.   Contacter

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TAKEDOWN et les membres de son consortium ne peuvent être tenus responsables, envers vous ou tout autre utilisateur, pour tout dommage direct, indirect ou accessoire découlant de l’utilisation de cette plateforme, ou pour toute perte de données, d'opportunités, de réputation ou de profits découlant de l’utilisation de ce service. Les organisations inscrites sont responsables de la véracité des informations fournies sur la plateforme.