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Nowadays, extremism, radicalization, and polarization are frequent topics of discussion and study as newer patterns become increasingly evident. Quite different forms of far-right extremism are having an impact on the European region and its borders. Far-right violence that emerged in violent football ‘ultra’ groups that in some cases mutated into militias, far-right cultures – across gamer platforms, and jihadist violence that remains a threat – these are only a few examples.
The PARTICIPATION project starts with the assumption that broken a top-down approach in research and preventive design is needed. It aims to capture and explore contemporary experiences of extremism and radicalization and proposes concrete actions, policies, and digital tools that will empower policy actors and practitioners to respond to a changing reality.
The project’s main topics are also violence, conflict and conflict resolution, transformation of societies, democratization, and social movements.

6 course(s) provided by PARTICIPATION Project


  • Début:  27th July 2024
  • Fin:  27th July 2024

3rd Winter Academy: 21 - 29 November, 2023 (9 Days / 8 Nights)

  • Début:  27th July 2024
  • Fin:  27th July 2024

Unpacking Radicalization

  • Début:  27th July 2024
  • Fin:  27th July 2024
Roma Tre University

Via Ostiense, 133
00154 Rome

Roma Tre is a polycentric university campus whose premises are distributed throughout the area, thus allowing an active integration with the city/urban context. For information on the University locations please refer to the page Link identifier #identifier__188294-1Where we are

  • Institut universitaire/de recherche
  • Cybersécurité
  • Anticorruption
  • Autre
  • Lutte contre le terrorisme
  • Lutte contre les discours haineux
  • Prévention de la criminalité organisée
  • Prévention de la radicalisation
  • Lutte contre l’extrémisme violent
Public cible
  • Services de répression
  • Décideurs politiques
  • Grand public
  • Jeunesse
  • Autres
  • Travailleurs sociaux
  • Animateurs socio-éducatifs
  • Enseignants
  • Professionnels de la santé (mentale)
  • Pouvoirs publics
  • Journalistes
Année de création 2020
Établissement d’enseignement secondaire ou supérieur No
Principales langues de formation
  • English
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