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European strategic communications network (escn)

  • Country: Belgium
  • City: Brussels
  • Type: Multilateral
  • Scale: European
  • Category: Knowledge and information exchange

The European Strategic Communications Network (ESCN) is a Network of EU Member States, funded by the European Commission, which collaborates to share analysis, good practices and ideas on the use of strategic communications in countering and preventing violent extremism. It has been identified as a flagship initiative in the European Commission's European Agenda on Security from April 2015 as well as the Commission's Communication on preventing radicalisation from June 2016.

Coordination Patterns

ESCN is both a network and a communications platform for PVE/CVE experts working in state institutions across the EU for the exchange of knowledge and practical experiences.

Role of the EU

ESCN is made up of representatives from state institutions from at least 19 EU member states. The project is led by Belgium and funded by European Comission, DG Migration and Home Affairs' Internal Security Fund (ISF).

Relevance for the EU

Platform for public institutions, particularly LEAs, to exchange information about research on CT, PVE and CVE with academic world, and share experiences about how to deal with cases of violent radicalisation / extremism.