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Project summary

Acronym BOND

Building tOlerance, uNderstanding and Dialogue across communities

Duration 24 months
GA Number 101084724
Topic ID CERV-2022-EQUAL
Call Call for proposals to promote equality and to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination
Funding Scheme HORIZON
Project Type CERV-AG

BOND (Building tOlerance, uNderstanding and Dialogue across communities) promotes understanding, tolerance and dialogue, through a linked series of strategic educational and awareness-raising actions, online and on-site, and by facilitating interfaith and intercultural dialogue.

The project brings people together from across religious and community backgrounds, to foster understanding and tolerance through dialogue, and create strategic alliances and enduring networks. The major aim of the project is to address deep-rooted prejudices and hateful attitudes and behaviours, specifically towards Jewish people in Europe, counter the dwindling knowledge about the Shoah, particularly among youth, and to promote tolerance, understanding and dialogue across religious, ethnic and cultural groups in our society.

BOND will:

  • FOSTER a common and evidence-based understanding of anti-Semitic trends, attitudes and behaviours in the region over the last few decades, as well as how that impacts the Jewish communities today, and how it relates to other forms of intolerance and hate-speech, particularly online
  • PROVIDE a high-quality, testimonial-based curriculum for High School students, to be widely distributed to and adopted by teachers and educators in the implementing countries.
  • TRAIN and mentor youth on the history, culture and inheritance of Jewish people in Europe, and strengthen their capacity to reveal and address commonly held anti-Semitic stereotypes, mis- and disinformation, conspiracy theories and prejudices, thus reducing the perception gap of anti-Semitism between the Jewish population and the general public.
  • BRIDGE the divide between Jewish and other religious and ethnic groups, by fostering open and safe dialogue and interaction, and building intergroup coalitions and strategies

National Reports on Antisemitism

The BOND project conducted research on antisemitism in Hungary, Italy, Romania, and Poland, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding for further project activities. The research, completed by September 2023, involved desk research on antisemitism over the last decade and field research through interviews with key stakeholders, including experts, community leaders, and youth. Topics studied included antisemitic trends, stereotypes, and the impact of COVID-19. The findings are presented in four national reports and a compiled report for comparison, with the research structured to ensure cross-country comparability.

Antisemitism Research Report: All Reports combined

Antisemitism Research Report: Poland
Antisemitism Research Report: Hungary
Antisemitism Research Report: Italy
Antisemitism Research Report: Romania

Educational curriculum and training materials for youth

Antisemitism has been rising globally, and following the October 7 terror attack in Israel, it has surged dramatically, particularly in Europe. Given the historical lessons of the Holocaust, there is a pressing need for educational resources to help counter antisemitism. The curriculum developed as part of the project aims to meet this need by providing high school educators with tools and methods to teach about Jewish history, tradition, the Holocaust, and antisemitism. This curriculum is designed to equip teachers to address these topics effectively, fostering a community of educators committed to combating antisemitism.

Curriculum: All Languages

Curriculum: English
Curriculum: Hungarian
Curriculum: Italian
Curriculum: Romanian
Curriculum: Polish