Takedown Project

Organized Crime and Terrorist Networks (OC/TN) are a major challenge for the European Union. TAKEDOWN aimed at creating a better understanding of organized crime and terrorist networks. The consortium, consisting of 18 European partners, developed digital and non-digital toolkits and solutions for more efficient and effective prevention, intervention and response strategies between 2016 and 2019.
The project and partnership of researchers, practitioners, security software experts, law enforcement agencies and networks was funded by the EU research and innovation program H2020. TAKEDOWN developed responses to criminal threats by using a multidimensional approach including social, psychological, economic and cultural aspects and integrates technological prevention instruments and societal prevention approaches in the solution development.
Core outcomes of the TAKEDOWN project have been the development of the www.firstlinepractitioner.com platform and the www.fightcrimeterrorism.com platform.
More information: Project website