Curricula - Knowledge - Navigation
  • 2015 - 2015
  • Estonia
Identification of the Source

In 2015, when the refugee crisis took place, in the Estonia were discussions regarding to the acceptance of refugees in Estonia. In the media, everything related to the refugees were the main topic. Therefore, there was also a local opposition, which supporters expressed their views in the media. One such person lived in Tallinn, Lääne Harju County.
Man was threatening other man with dark complexion via social media. Later, however, he protested against the government decisions and threatened to kill the Prime Minister of Estonia.


Police will get informed that in the social media is person, who actively insults people with dark complexion in their social media accounts, by telling that country has brought them in secretly and they do not have any right to live in Estonia. The person lives in the area where are Tallinn University dormitory rooms, which hosts also the foreign students.
Proverbs are more threatening, and he promises to do something with the black people if the government won’t do anything. The apathy is expressed towards the government and also the black people. Finally, the person writes a threat to Estonian prime minister.

Type of Crime

- Terror-related crimes (TN)
§ 120. Threat
(1) A threat to kill, cause health damage or cause significant damage to or destroy property, if there is reason to fear the realisation of such threat,
is punishable by a pecuniary punishment or up to one year's imprisonment.
§ 151. Incitement of hatred
(1) Activities which publicly incite to hatred, violence or discrimination on the basis of nationality, race, colour, sex, language, origin, religion, sexual orientation, political opinion, or financial or social status if this results in danger to the life, health or property of a person is punishable by a fine of up to three hundred fine units or by detention.

Type of attack
Calling people for hatred and spreading the wrong information. Person spread hate speech towards the foreign students. With this behaviour, he made situation of polarisation and also the media amplified it.

Modus Operandi

The person was not particularly educated and in his statements was done by the information of mainstream media fake news. Person couldn’t protect his arguments in any way but was only guided by the information that media presented at the time.

People involved

Male, age 30

Criminal History

No further criminal record.

Influential and/or vulnerable Groups

1. Hate speech: person prompted others to hate black people with his calls;
2. He created uncertainty and unsecure feels in the foreign people who lived in Tallinn;
3. Polarisation of the society.