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Help radicalisation prevention-project

  • Country: France
  • City: Strasbourg
  • Type: Multilateral
  • Scale: European
  • Category: Training and Education

The "HELP Radicalisation Prevention"-project aims at improving the criminal justice response in the EU to prevent radicalisation leading to terrorism and violent extremism by increasing the capacities and mutual trust of justice practitioners (judges and prosecutors as well as prison and probation staff) dealing with radicalisation prevention through training, inter-agency and cross-border cooperation. The main partners and beneficiaries of the Project are national training institutions from countries most affected by the phenomenon of Radicalisation Prevention. The two main purposes of the project are, generally, to improve the criminal justice response in the EU to prevent radicalisation leading to terrorism and violent extremism, and specifically, to increase capacities and mutual trust of primarily justice practitioners dealing with radicalisation prevention through training, inter-agency and cross-border cooperation. From 2017 to 2019 the HELP-project hosts a series of three consecutive seminars on radicalisation prevention to provide professionals such as judges, prosecutors, prison and probation officers as well as academics and members of international associations and NGOs with a platform for judicial training as well as a for knowledge and experience exchange. It is also expected that the project will develop a course on radicalisation prevention with at least four national adaptations of it as well as a Training of Trainers (ToT) and two cross-border courses.

Coordination Patterns

The HELP-project is a joint Programme, co-funded by the EU and the Council of Europe. It is implemented by the Council of Europe.

Role of the EU

State institution staff such as judges, prosecutors, prison and probation officers from EU member states are all eligible for participation in the HELP-projects activities. Moreover, the project is funded by the EU.

Relevance for the EU

The HELP-project trains state institution professionals such as judges, prosecutors, prison and probation officers across the EU in radicalisation prevention work.