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PARTICIPATION Contemporary Violent Leftwing and Anarchist Extremism in the EU: Analysing Threats and Potential for P/CVE

The purpose of this document is to make recommendations on the necessity to transform current P/CVE policies, emphasizing the importance of a more effective involvement of Politics to contrast the spread of extremism and radicalisation in Europe. 

In the contemporary world, we face a new scenario that influences the spread of radical and extremism attitudes: the syndemic global society. This is a society characterised from an increasing interaction between the biological and the social in disease burden as well as a complex set of inequalities, economic and social imbalances, risks, and threats at both local and global level. 

According to the first HORIZON2020 PARTICIPATION PROJECT’s results, the crisis of participation and the crisis of integration are closely linked to current extremism and radicalisation processes; at the same time, fragmentation, interrelation between different kind of extremism and hybridisation, request a new approach that involve, in a more effective way, civil society and political society to contrast extremism, radicalisation and terrorism.

The entire, detailed Article can be accessed here (







Extremism, Prevention, Radicalisation, Empowerment, Violence, Polarisation, Jihad, School, Student, Teacher, Curriculum, far-left