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Radicalisation in Central and Eastern Europe

Trends, challenges and opportunities to counteract

The partners of the RADPol2020 Conference developed a FINAL DOCUMENT consisting of policy briefs, which are building on the discussions at the conference and bring together insights on

current trends on radicalisation in Central and Eastern Europe;
context, challenges, latest research results and best practices on right-wing extremism;
success stories and good practices on multi-agency approach and joint-action initiatives to tackling radicalisation / violent extremism;
the issue of gender beyond not religiously motivated extremism.

  • Policy Brief No 1 is focussing on Current radicalisation trends in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Policy Brief No 2 adresses Right-wing extremism in Central and Eastern Europe: Context, challenges, latest research results and best practices
  • Policy Brief No 3 highlights approaches for improving collaboration and multi-stakeholder approaches towards addressing P/CVE in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Policy Brief No 4 emphasizes the importance of gender in P/CVE approaches and presents pathways from theory to practice

The conference was organized as a cooperation between three European projects MINDb4ACT, CHAMPIONs and BRAVE, funded under the H2020 and ISF-P European Commission Programmes.